Friday, September 28, 2007

Check out Biden

Annoyed as I am with the early start to the Presidential campaign, I (Kathy writing for herself here, not the both of us) am going to join the discussion and encourage those of you reading this blog to check out Joe Biden's campaign.

Although I am drawn to Obama's policies, positions and personal vision, I feel that Biden has the thoughtfulness and experience that we need right now. Plus, he has a good, strong record re: environment, women's rights, labor, etc. My ideal ticket would be Biden-Obama.

Although it got little press this past week, Biden (along with Senators Spector, Boxer and Brownback) led the passage of one of the only Iraq policy declarations to actually get enough bi-partisan support to end any fillibuster and pass the Senate.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007; 3:38 PM
... the Senate overwhelmingly endorsed a political settlement for Iraq that would divide the country into three semi-autonomous regions. The plan, conceived by Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.), was approved 75-23 as a non-binding resolution, with 26 Republican votes. It would not force President Bush to take any action, but it represents a significant milestone in the Iraq debate, carving out common ground in a debate that has grown increasingly polarized and focused on military strategy. (Full article)

Biden is in a tough spot as the media focuses on Clinton, Obama and to a lesser degree Edwards. I know the elections are still over a year away, but if you don't want the mass media and large donors deciding your candidates (and the same is happening on the R end, too), it may be time to get involved. I encourage you to check out Biden, my top choice, but also Richardson, Edwards, Dodd and the others. Just because they don't have the early name recognition or media charisma, doesn't mean they wouldn't be a good leader.

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