Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Two snapshots in time

March 19, 2003
  • 70 percent of Americans supported invading Iraq
  • 45 percent of Americans believed Saddam Hussein was "personally involved" in Sept. 11
  • Kathy was in California for work and marched with thousands of others that evening against the war.
  • Ed was home in Portland watching the news and thinking to himself, "I can't believe the nutbar actually did it."
March 19, 2008
  • 60% of Americans think invading Iraq was a mistake.
  • The Pentagon has finally acknowledged that there was no link between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda.
  • 4151 dead U.S. soldiers and contractors
  • 29,451 physically wounded American soldiers (note - the VA only counts those wounded in direct combat. According to Stiglitz and Bilmes, authors of the 3 Trillion Dollar War, this number is less than 1/2 of all those wounded in the field).
  • 82,000 dead Iraqi civilians (Minimum estimate)
  • Untold wounded Iraqi civilians
  • Over 4.5 million Iraqis internally displaced or living abroad as refugees
  • Kathy is in California, working
  • Ed is in Tikrit thinking to himself, "I still can't believe the nutbar actually did it."

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