Sunday, August 26, 2007

News from the home front

It's been pretty much all Ed, all the time thus far, so I thought I'd take a turn since this is supposed to be covering news from home and abroad.

Question: What's a girl do when her guy goes of to war?

A) Have an affair

B) Cry herself to sleep at night

C) Train for and complete a triathlon

D) All of the above

Now, while technically D) is the correct answer, hopefully those of you who know me figured out that in my case the answer is C).

Shortly after Ed left for Jersey, I enrolled in a women's learn to tri class. Although I missed several sessions due to my visit back east, the six-week crash apparently sufficiently prepared me for the Luna Bar Women's Sprint Triathlon. Not only did I achieve my primary goal (complete the race) and my secondary, long-shot goal (complete the race in under two hours) but I also utterly exceeded my hoped-for goal of running a mile without stopping - I ran the whole three mile course! Now you real runners reading this may not be impressed, but I have not run 3-miles non-stop in probably over 20 years, ever since my junior high PE teachers gave me shin splints.

It was a beautiful day to be out Swim-Bike-Running; downright cool for Sacramento in the summer (expected high today 90*). The crowd and other athletes were supportive and it was great to see the women I've been training with these past weeks make their way across the finish line.

It was a lot of fun and I'm planning to keep training and do some more races in the future. In fact, in order to capitalize on the peer pressure, I'm announcing now that my goal is to complete the Luna Bar Tri next year in 1:35:00 or less. 'Cause you know, a girl's gotta have goals, especially when her guy is gone.


ps - Oh, fine, I know you're all reading this to find out how Ed is. He took a trip to the Green Zone this week, says it's like a resort. No wonder the grunts on the ground grouse about those that get to go to the Green Zone. He's still bored and fighting the good fight against Panglossian rhetoric. We'll get back to him next week.

Aliteratively yours,

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