Sunday, September 16, 2007

Not much new

It's been a slow week for Ed in Iraq. Well, actually, he has been busy, but in a manner that means not much news for us. Because instead of doing lots of fun PAO stuff, he has become a military bureaucrat. I think the highlight of the past week was teaching himself Access (a Microsoft database program) so that he could track other people's interviews. Or was it to track their ideas for interviews?

So, if you're checking back in after a while away, take some time to check out Kathy's rants (Monday, September 10 & Tuesday, July 24), Ed's updates (Thursday, September 6 & Thursday, August 2), or other miscellaneous news on or linked to from the blog.

Thanks for checking in. It means a lot to the both of us that folks are actually reading this and interested in on how he's doing.

1 comment:

stacy said...

Hello! I haven't left a comment so i thought now would be a great time for that...When is your R & R?? And Kathy, when are you coming to Houston?? I miss both of you. It's a good thing I stay busy or the fact that the majority of the men in my family are in Iraq would start to get to me. :^( Anywho...I have Organic Chem to study...I'll check in again more frequently! Love Ya!! -Stacy-