Sunday, October 14, 2007

An Unremarkable Week

Sometimes, it's hard to know what to write on these posts. Having considered and rejected a number of topics, we've decided to let you, the readers, vote. After all, Ed is over in Iraq to protect our Democracy. (I'm not sure how well sarcasm works in a blog). Anyway, simply click on the handy little 'comments' button, and let us know which of the following you'd be interested in hearing about in a future post. If there are no votes, we'll return to our regularly scheduled program and work harder in the future to think of something to write about. (Maybe next time writer's block hits, we can get Steven Colbert to write a post for us like he did for Maureen Dowd). So, here are your choices...

1) Kathy's foray into the world of social networking (if you haven't already, you can find me on Facebook, Friendster and LinkedIn);

2) The trials and tribulations of LDRs (long distance relationships) and tips from the experts (not necessarily us) on how to make them succeed;

3) How annoyed Kathy is with American Airlines. You'd think a Texas based company would be all about supporting the troops.

4) Ed's meeting with Michael Gordon, chief military correspondent for The New York Times and co-author of the book Cobra II: The Inside Story of the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq.

So, cast your votes, and in the meantime, check out some of the columns that caught our attention this past week: The ‘Good Germans’ Among Us, A Wife's Battle, Sliming Graeme Frost, and on the same subject (different author), Meanies and Hypocrites, Who Will Succeed Al Gore?, The Trivial Pursuit , A Nation of Christians is Not a Christian Nation


Carol said...

I would like to take the time to add another choice to vote on.This question is do you think Eddy should only call his mother once every three months while he is over there? Please vote by leaving him a comment telling your feelings about this.

Love you Son

stacy said...

Ok i think #1...Nobody should talk about Texas and/or Texas companies in any way negative...Texas is the best Ok, so it's October 18th and 92 degrees outside. (Yea just kidding it sucks butt here.) #2 Manly Men don't call home DUH!

As for topics I think we should talk about why the heck it's 92 degrees here on 19Oct!! Definately NOT global warming though...because we all know it doesn't exist.

stacy said...

OR we can talk about vacations...Like where we should all go when we win the lottery...My vote is Galapagos!!

SchulzVance said...

I dunno, right now I'm leaning towards flaming American Airlines.