Saturday, October 20, 2007

What decade are we in?!?!?!?!

Welcome to the time warp. Back to a decade that ended long before most of us were born.

The day started with an article from Popular Mechanics. Somehow I read the title as 25 Skills Everyone Should Know: Your Ultimate DIY Guide. Silly me, what was I thinking? It's 25 Skills Every Man Should Know. Back to the kitchen and doing the laundry, girls. Literally.

Because for those ladies lucky enough to have caught a guy, Hasbro offers the perfect toy with which you can pass along family-values gender roles to the next generation. After all, what girl doesn't dream of a life of cooking, cleaning and doing laundry in her own Rose Petal Cottage?

Boy, I sure hope Eddy comes home soon to take care of me.

Helplessly yours,

1 comment:

stacy said...

No way...I like the new baby doll that any girl should consider themselves lucky to get. You feed it, it poops, it pees, it cries yadda yadda yadda...Prepares the modern girl for a life of Motherhood. It's a fantastic teaching utensil.