Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How's Ed?

We've have been having some interesting discussions since the first of the year which we hope to get out on the blog fairly soon, but it ain't gonna happen this week. The complicated posts actually take quite a while to write and since Ed is off to the capital for a few days and Kathy is recovering from helping to plan her grandmother's memorial and then heading strait out of town for work, we're going to keep this week simple.

So we'll confine this post to answering the commonly asked question that this blog was originally set-up to save Kathy from having to answer over and over... How's Ed doing?

He's fine, kind of bored again in his new job. Life got a little better last week when a fresser-sized gingerbread coffee cake from Zingerman's arrived. Perfect timing, although completely on accident, it just happened to show up the day that two of Ed's coworkers were promoted so, "not only did I get to munch on some awesome cake but I got to share for a good cause as well."

He's finally finding some time to read some of the books people have sent to him or that he's borrowed from people over there. Most recently he read Marley and Me, "I read it in one sitting and laughed til it hurt the whole way through."

And of course, he is counting the days (less than 100 (knock on wood)) 'til they redeploy to the states. The hard part is, he has been tasked with planning the redeployment which means he is, "constantly thinking about redeployment which means I'm continously reminded that it's still 3 freakin months away. Close enough to be "right there" but still AAAACCCCKKKKK!! further away than tomorrow."

And that, gentle readers, is how Ed is doing. Thanks for checking in.

1 comment:

stacy said...

Wow 3 months!! Then a family trip to someplace good??? HAHA tell him he better pass through here sometime soon after getting back state-side. Miss you guys!!