Sunday, September 23, 2007

Happenins at home

Today we officially "warmed" Kathy and Ed's new home. It was a festive, cool, first day of fall in Sacramento. State Parks colleagues put in a good show, and family and friends drove up from as far away as the Bay Area. Of course Ed wasn't actually able to make it, "sadly I will be otherwise occupied. for my own housewarming party. how much does that suck? " but we all thought of him.

Best of all, Kathy was inspired to finally unpack those "last two boxes " (which somehow turned into five when she wasn't looking). Of course there is still more to be done, but the house is definitely feeling like a home. MUCH nicer to come back to at the end of the day than the apartment we lived in during our first year in Sac.

Meanwhile, over in Iraq, Ed is busy, busy, busy. I'm not sure exactly what he is doing. Lots of organizing and arranging interviews, I think. So far, he continues to resist the Cheney/Fox News drumbeat of 'we're turning a corner, the terrorists are desperate and in their last throes. ' He writes, "I'm beyond getting upset, now I just shake my head in wonder." Kathy, on the other hand, continues to get upset and actually wrote letters to her senators last week.

Thanks for checking in this week. If you weren't able to make the party, here's a couple photos of the new place.


stacy said...

the house looks so cute! Is that Willow in the kitchen? I can't tell!

SchulzVance said...

That would be Cairo in the kitchen. Willow was busy napping on the bed, after charming party people.